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The content of this website is intended to Professional Investors. If you are a Private Investor, you should ensure to select the correct investor category when you enter this site, as failure to do so may result in you accessing material about investment funds and investment services which may not be suitable for you and/or may not be available for you to invest in.

Limited access

The information provided herein is also intended for Users in territories where it is permissible for Users to access information. This website may indeed contain information about funds established in different jurisdictions and/or investment services offered too. Please consult the specific sections and material to obtain more information. Users are responsible for ascertaining they are legally authorized to consult the information herein and should therefore ensure the investor category chosen to enter this website is correct.

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iMGP Funds

The data and information featured on this web site are provided free of charge and solely for information purposes. The information contained herein constitutes neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation to sell and may not be construed as an investment recommendation on the part of iM Global Partner Asset Management or other entities of the group iM Global Partner, its affiliates, managers, officers, or employees (hereafter « iMGP ») and has no legal or contractual value. Furthermore, any reference to a specific security in any published material is included by way of illustrative example and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell such a security nor does it in any manner constitute the provision of investment advice in relation to same. The iMGP Sicav ( hereafter « iMGP » or « iMGP Funds » or « Fund ») has not taken any measures to adapt to each individual investor who remains responsible for his own independent decisions. Any investment in the funds presented on the web site must be made in conformity with the related legal documentation in force (prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents), as approved, where applicable, by the regulatory authority in your country. iMGP Funds is an open-ended umbrella investment company established and regulated in Luxembourg. The iMGP Sicav is not open to citizens or residents of the USA or to any other party deemed to be a US person. iMGP Funds’ current Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document, by –laws and the Annual and Half Yearly Reports of the Fund can be obtained on this website or from the iMGP offices at 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg or from the Agents and Representatives listed on this website for the specific jurisdictions where iMGP Funds are registered and this marketing document is intended for use only in those specific jurisdictions. Investors are advised that they should consult the Prospectus before seeking to subscribe. Moreover, investors are also advised to consult their legal, financial or tax advisors before taking any investment decisions.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not an indicator of future returns, nor does it guarantee future profits, and that they risk, in some cases, losing all or part of the amount initially invested. An investment may increase or decrease by virtue, in particular, of market fluctuations and exchange rate variations in the currency in which the Sub-fund is invested where this differs from the currency of the shareholder.

Disclosure in respect of iM Global Partner Asset Management

Any reference to iM Global Partner Asset Management (« iMGP AM ») or iM Global Partner (« iMGP ») in the material published on this website should be construed as being a reference to one or more of the legal entities, listed below, dependent on the particular jurisdiction in which it is being accessed.

iMGP AM is the Luxembourg management company of iMGP Funds.

iMGP is a French regulated entity which represents and distributes iMGP Funds that have been registered in France having branches in Italy, Spain, Germany and also subsidiaries in Switzerland and in the UK for that purpose. iMGP AM is also a subsidiary of iMGP.

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This website may direct you to automatic links to other websites. Use of these links is made at your own risk. iMGP and the Fund will not have developed, verified the accuracy or scrutinised the data contained in the aforementioned links. iMGP and the Fund may not be held responsible for damage or losses caused by delays, defects or omissions that may exist in the real, indicated or indirect services, information or other content provided on this site. iMGP and the Fund give no guarantee, makes no declaration and will not be held responsible for any content transmitted by electronic means to a third party, including the accuracy, subject, quality or the appropriate character of said content.

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The entire content of this website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved to iMGP and the Fund. You may download or print out a hard copy of individual pages and/or sections of the website, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. Any downloading or otherwise copying from the website will not transfer title to any software or material to you. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the website without the prior written permission of iMGP.

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Important Information

The content of this website is intended to Professional Investors. If you are a Private Investor, you should ensure to select the correct investor category when you enter this site, as failure to do so may result in you accessing material about investment funds and investment services which may not be suitable for you and/or may not be available for you to invest in.

Limited access

The information provided herein is also intended for Users in territories where it is permissible for Users to access information. This website may indeed contain information about funds established in different jurisdictions and/or investment services offered too. Please consult the specific sections and material to obtain more information. Users are responsible for ascertaining they are legally authorized to consult the information herein and should therefore ensure the investor category chosen to enter this website is correct.

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iMGP Funds Sicav

The data and information featured on this web site are provided free of charge and solely for information purposes. The information contained herein constitutes neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation to sell and may not be construed as an investment recommendation on the part of iM Global Partner Asset Management or other entities of the group iM Global Partner, its affiliates, managers, officers, or employees (hereafter « iMGP ») and has no legal or contractual value. Furthermore, any reference to a specific security in any published material is included by way of illustrative example and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell such a security nor does it in any manner constitute the provision of investment advice in relation to same. The iMGP Sicav ( hereafter « iMGP » or « iMGP Funds » or « Fund ») has not taken any measures to adapt to each individual investor who remains responsible for his own independent decisions. Any investment in the funds presented on the web site must be made in conformity with the related legal documentation in force (prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents), as approved, where applicable, by the regulatory authority in your country. iMGP Funds is an open-ended umbrella investment company established and regulated in Luxembourg. The iMGP Sicav is not open to citizens or residents of the USA or to any other party deemed to be a US person. iMGP Funds’ current Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document, by –laws and the Annual and Half Yearly Reports of the Fund can be obtained on this website or from the iMGP offices at 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg or from the Agents and Representatives listed on this website for the specific jurisdictions where iMGP Funds are registered and this marketing document is intended for use only in those specific jurisdictions. Investors are advised that they should consult the Prospectus before seeking to subscribe. Moreover, investors are also advised to consult their legal, financial or tax advisors before taking any investment decisions.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not an indicator of future returns, nor does it guarantee future profits, and that they risk, in some cases, losing all or part of the amount initially invested. An investment may increase or decrease by virtue, in particular, of market fluctuations and exchange rate variations in the currency in which the Sub-fund is invested where this differs from the currency of the shareholder.

Disclosure in respect of iM Global Partner Asset Management

Any reference to iM Global Partner Asset Management (« iMGP AM ») or iM Global Partner (« iMGP ») in the material published on this website should be construed as being a reference to one or more of the legal entities, listed below, dependent on the particular jurisdiction in which it is being accessed.

iMGP AM is the Luxembourg management company of iMGP Funds

iMGP is a French regulated entity which represents and distributes iMGP Funds that have been registered in France having branches in Italy, Spain, Germany and also subsidiaries in Switzerland and in the UK for that purpose. iMGP AM is also a subsidiary of iMGP.

Use of links

This website may direct you to automatic links to other websites. Use of these links is made at your own risk. iMGP and the Fund will not have developed, verified the accuracy or scrutinised the data contained in the aforementioned links. iMGP and the Fund may not be held responsible for damage or losses caused by delays, defects or omissions that may exist in the real, indicated or indirect services, information or other content provided on this site. iMGP and the Fund give no guarantee, makes no declaration and will not be held responsible for any content transmitted by electronic means to a third party, including the accuracy, subject, quality or the appropriate character of said content.

Copyrights and Trademarks

The entire content of this website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved to iMGP and the Fund. You may download or print out a hard copy of individual pages and/or sections of the website, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. Any downloading or otherwise copying from the website will not transfer title to any software or material to you. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the website without the prior written permission of iMGP.

By clicking on the « Accept » button, you expressly acknowledge that you have read the aforementioned and that you are authorized by the applicable law to access this website.

Performance is born out of people

Asset Manager Internazionale



Siamo una rete internazionale di asset manager che offre accesso a società di investimento di alta qualità


Costruzione, gestione, supervisione e monitoraggio di gamme diversificate di soluzioni di investimento attivo delegate a team di investimento selezionati tra i migliori della loro categoria.


Forti capacità di due diligence e lunga esperienza di selezione  consentono l'acquisizione di partecipazioni a lungo termine in alcuni dei migliori manager attivi indipendenti tradizionali e alternativi.


Grazie ad un esperto team di sviluppo commerciale, presente in 12 sedi in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, forniamo ai nostri clienti l'accesso alle migliori strategie di gestione dei nostri Partner.

Elementi chiave

~45.5 mld. di dollari di attivi in gestione
Fonte: iM Global Partner, dati ad dicembre 2024.
*Assets in gestione, inclusa la quota di partecipazione nei Partner.

Le nostre soluzioni

Siamo orgogliosi dei nostri elevati standard di eccellenza per garantire ai clienti l'accesso ai migliori gestori della categoria e a ricerche di alta qualità. Continuiamo a costruire su queste basi, esplorando il mondo alla ricerca di partnership con le società e gli individui più talentuosi nel campo della gestione patrimoniale, sostenendo la nostra ferma convinzione che "la performance nasce dalle persone". In qualità di azionista di minoranza, offriamo ai nostri partner una partnership finanziaria e operativa a lungo termine, impegnandoci pienamente con le nostre risorse.

Articolo 8 della SFDR

Fondi a sostegno dello sviluppo ambientale e sostenibile

Articolo 9 della SFDR

Fondi che producono il massimo impatto per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Scoprite l'andamento dei nostri fondi nel tempo utilizzando il nostro Fund Screener:




Celebrazione dell'eccellenza


iM Global Partner e i suoi Partner sono stati riconosciuti da molte organizzazioni e pubblicazioni di rilievo, tra cui Les Echos in Francia, The Financial Times a Londra, Nasdaq eVestment, L'Agefi e Option Finance. Recentemente siamo stati nominati da Funds Europe come uno dei 200 migliori gestori di fondi europei. Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi delle nostre certificazioni come Great Place to Work nel Regno Unito, negli Stati Uniti e in Francia.

La società iMGP è riconosciuta per la crescita e l'innovazione


iM Global Partner è stata riconosciuta da numerose aziende, per la nostra forte crescita, e il nostro approccio innovativo. Diverse pubblicazioni lo hanno evidenziato, partendo da “Les Echos” in Francia, “The Financial Times” a Londra, Nasdaq eVestment, Option Finance ma anche L’Agefi.

iMGP Euro Select


iM Global Partner ha annunciato il lancio di un nuovo fondo azionario area Euro, iMGP Euro Select Fund, che sarà gestito dal suo Partner Zadig Asset Management, specialista in azioni europee.

Per saperne di più

Prospettive di Richard Bernstein per il 2025


Richard Bernstein, del nostro partner RBA, svela in questo video 5 fattori chiave che, a suo avviso, offriranno una rara certezza in questi tempi incerti.

Clicca qui per guardare il video.

Il caso dei futures gestiti


Perché i Managed Futures dovrebbero far parte del portafoglio di un cliente? Come si confronta la replica degli hedge fund con gli hedge fund reali? Perché questa soluzione è meno complessa? A queste e altre domande risponde Greg Clerkson, il nostro Direttore di Global Asset Management, in questo video girato con Portfolio Advisor a Londra.

Clicca qui per guardare il video.

Riconoscimento per il fondo Managed Futures


Il fondo iMGP DBi Managed Futures Fund ha vinto il premio come miglior fondo Managed Futures nella categoria Newcomer degli HFM European Performance Awards per il 2024. Per saperne di più su questa classe d'investimento poco conosciuta.

Maggiori informazioni

Ultime notizie

iM Global Partner entra nel mercato degli ETF attivi UCITS in Europa


iM Global Partner (iMGP) ha annunciato che entrerà nel mercato europeo degli ETF attivi con il lancio di un ETF UCITS europeo sui Managed Futures, l'iMGP DBi Managed Futures Fund R USD ETF, il primo e unico disponibile sul mercato in questa categoria.

Press release

iM Global Partner aggiunge un nuovo fondo gestito da Trinity Street Asset Management alla sua gamma.


Im Global Partner (iMGP) ha annunciato di aver aggiunto un nuovo fondo alla sua gamma di fondi lussemburghesi, l'iMGP Trinity Street Global Equity Fund, gestito, Trinity Street Asset Management (TSAM), il suo partner più recente.

Press release

iM Global Partner mourns the passing of Philippe Uzan


It is with deep sadness that iM Global Partner (iMGP) announces the passing, one month ago, of our dear friend and colleague, Philippe Uzan.

Press release

iM Global Partner lancia un fondo azionario area Euro


iM Global Partner (iMGP) ha annunciato il lancio di un nuovo fondo azionario area Euro, iMGP Euro Select Fund, che sarà gestito dal suo Partner Zadig Asset Management (Zadig), specialista in azioni europee. Questo fondo multi-cap si concentrerà sulle aziende dell’area Euro ed è stato pensato come un “one stop shop” per i clienti che desiderano accedere alle migliori idee di Zadig Asset Management.

Press release

Responsabilità sociale

Noi di iM Global Partner ci impegniamo nei confronti delle nostre persone e della nostra comunità, mettendo in atto i nostri valori per sostenere iniziative e attività caritatevoli con un impatto sociale positivo.