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Important Information

The content of this website is intended to Professional Investors. If you are a Private Investor, you should ensure to select the correct investor category when you enter this site, as failure to do so may result in you accessing material about investment funds and investment services which may not be suitable for you and/or may not be available for you to invest in.

Limited access

The information provided herein is also intended for Users in territories where it is permissible for Users to access information. This website may indeed contain information about funds established in different jurisdictions and/or investment services offered too. Please consult the specific sections and material to obtain more information. Users are responsible for ascertaining they are legally authorized to consult the information herein and should therefore ensure the investor category chosen to enter this website is correct.

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iMGP Funds

The data and information featured on this web site are provided free of charge and solely for information purposes. The information contained herein constitutes neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation to sell and may not be construed as an investment recommendation on the part of iM Global Partner Asset Management or other entities of the group iM Global Partner, its affiliates, managers, officers, or employees (hereafter « iMGP ») and has no legal or contractual value. Furthermore, any reference to a specific security in any published material is included by way of illustrative example and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell such a security nor does it in any manner constitute the provision of investment advice in relation to same. The iMGP Sicav ( hereafter « iMGP » or « iMGP Funds » or « Fund ») has not taken any measures to adapt to each individual investor who remains responsible for his own independent decisions. Any investment in the funds presented on the web site must be made in conformity with the related legal documentation in force (prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents), as approved, where applicable, by the regulatory authority in your country. iMGP Funds is an open-ended umbrella investment company established and regulated in Luxembourg. The iMGP Sicav is not open to citizens or residents of the USA or to any other party deemed to be a US person. iMGP Funds’ current Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document, by –laws and the Annual and Half Yearly Reports of the Fund can be obtained on this website or from the iMGP offices at 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg or from the Agents and Representatives listed on this website for the specific jurisdictions where iMGP Funds are registered and this marketing document is intended for use only in those specific jurisdictions. Investors are advised that they should consult the Prospectus before seeking to subscribe. Moreover, investors are also advised to consult their legal, financial or tax advisors before taking any investment decisions.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not an indicator of future returns, nor does it guarantee future profits, and that they risk, in some cases, losing all or part of the amount initially invested. An investment may increase or decrease by virtue, in particular, of market fluctuations and exchange rate variations in the currency in which the Sub-fund is invested where this differs from the currency of the shareholder.

Disclosure in respect of iM Global Partner Asset Management

Any reference to iM Global Partner Asset Management (« iMGP AM ») or iM Global Partner (« iMGP ») in the material published on this website should be construed as being a reference to one or more of the legal entities, listed below, dependent on the particular jurisdiction in which it is being accessed.

iMGP AM is the Luxembourg management company of iMGP Funds.

iMGP is a French regulated entity which represents and distributes iMGP Funds that have been registered in France having branches in Italy, Spain, Germany and also subsidiaries in Switzerland and in the UK for that purpose. iMGP AM is also a subsidiary of iMGP.

Use of links

This website may direct you to automatic links to other websites. Use of these links is made at your own risk. iMGP and the Fund will not have developed, verified the accuracy or scrutinised the data contained in the aforementioned links. iMGP and the Fund may not be held responsible for damage or losses caused by delays, defects or omissions that may exist in the real, indicated or indirect services, information or other content provided on this site. iMGP and the Fund give no guarantee, makes no declaration and will not be held responsible for any content transmitted by electronic means to a third party, including the accuracy, subject, quality or the appropriate character of said content.

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The entire content of this website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved to iMGP and the Fund. You may download or print out a hard copy of individual pages and/or sections of the website, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. Any downloading or otherwise copying from the website will not transfer title to any software or material to you. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the website without the prior written permission of iMGP.

By clicking on the « Accept » button, you expressly acknowledge that you have read the aforementioned and that you are authorized by the applicable law to access this website.


Important Information

The content of this website is intended to Professional Investors. If you are a Private Investor, you should ensure to select the correct investor category when you enter this site, as failure to do so may result in you accessing material about investment funds and investment services which may not be suitable for you and/or may not be available for you to invest in.

Limited access

The information provided herein is also intended for Users in territories where it is permissible for Users to access information. This website may indeed contain information about funds established in different jurisdictions and/or investment services offered too. Please consult the specific sections and material to obtain more information. Users are responsible for ascertaining they are legally authorized to consult the information herein and should therefore ensure the investor category chosen to enter this website is correct.

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Cookies help us collect data about you and how you use our website. For example, we are interested in knowing which internet browser is used, how long you visited the website and which pages you looked at. Information gathered are used to understand how we can improve the design and functionality of our website to better serve you in future. However, if you wish to restrict the cookies set by us or by any third-party sites, you may generally disable cookies in your internet browser. Your browser help function should let you know how to do this. Please keep in mind that restricting cookies may impact your experience and the functionality on this website.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau has produced a guide which explains how cookies work and how they are managed. Please visit to read more on this subject.

iMGP Funds Sicav

The data and information featured on this web site are provided free of charge and solely for information purposes. The information contained herein constitutes neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation to sell and may not be construed as an investment recommendation on the part of iM Global Partner Asset Management or other entities of the group iM Global Partner, its affiliates, managers, officers, or employees (hereafter « iMGP ») and has no legal or contractual value. Furthermore, any reference to a specific security in any published material is included by way of illustrative example and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell such a security nor does it in any manner constitute the provision of investment advice in relation to same. The iMGP Sicav ( hereafter « iMGP » or « iMGP Funds » or « Fund ») has not taken any measures to adapt to each individual investor who remains responsible for his own independent decisions. Any investment in the funds presented on the web site must be made in conformity with the related legal documentation in force (prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents), as approved, where applicable, by the regulatory authority in your country. iMGP Funds is an open-ended umbrella investment company established and regulated in Luxembourg. The iMGP Sicav is not open to citizens or residents of the USA or to any other party deemed to be a US person. iMGP Funds’ current Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document, by –laws and the Annual and Half Yearly Reports of the Fund can be obtained on this website or from the iMGP offices at 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg or from the Agents and Representatives listed on this website for the specific jurisdictions where iMGP Funds are registered and this marketing document is intended for use only in those specific jurisdictions. Investors are advised that they should consult the Prospectus before seeking to subscribe. Moreover, investors are also advised to consult their legal, financial or tax advisors before taking any investment decisions.

Investors are reminded that past performance is not an indicator of future returns, nor does it guarantee future profits, and that they risk, in some cases, losing all or part of the amount initially invested. An investment may increase or decrease by virtue, in particular, of market fluctuations and exchange rate variations in the currency in which the Sub-fund is invested where this differs from the currency of the shareholder.

Disclosure in respect of iM Global Partner Asset Management

Any reference to iM Global Partner Asset Management (« iMGP AM ») or iM Global Partner (« iMGP ») in the material published on this website should be construed as being a reference to one or more of the legal entities, listed below, dependent on the particular jurisdiction in which it is being accessed.

iMGP AM is the Luxembourg management company of iMGP Funds

iMGP is a French regulated entity which represents and distributes iMGP Funds that have been registered in France having branches in Italy, Spain, Germany and also subsidiaries in Switzerland and in the UK for that purpose. iMGP AM is also a subsidiary of iMGP.

Use of links

This website may direct you to automatic links to other websites. Use of these links is made at your own risk. iMGP and the Fund will not have developed, verified the accuracy or scrutinised the data contained in the aforementioned links. iMGP and the Fund may not be held responsible for damage or losses caused by delays, defects or omissions that may exist in the real, indicated or indirect services, information or other content provided on this site. iMGP and the Fund give no guarantee, makes no declaration and will not be held responsible for any content transmitted by electronic means to a third party, including the accuracy, subject, quality or the appropriate character of said content.

Copyrights and Trademarks

The entire content of this website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved to iMGP and the Fund. You may download or print out a hard copy of individual pages and/or sections of the website, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. Any downloading or otherwise copying from the website will not transfer title to any software or material to you. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the website without the prior written permission of iMGP.

By clicking on the « Accept » button, you expressly acknowledge that you have read the aforementioned and that you are authorized by the applicable law to access this website.

El enfoque iMGP
enfoque de

La inversión sostenible siempre ha estado en el centro de la filosofía de inversión de iM Global Partner. Creemos que las finanzas deben desempeñar un papel activo como agente de cambio y hacer frente a los grandes retos actuales relacionados con el cambio climático. Como empresa de gestión de inversiones, iMGP quiere desempeñar un papel importante en la realización de esta visión.

"iM Global Partner lleva mucho tiempo integrando prácticas sostenibles, por un lado porque el control del riesgo está en el centro de nuestra filosofía y por otro porque la sostenibilidad forma parte de cualquier estrategia empresarial con claras oportunidades de inversión."

Philippe Couvrecelle

Founder & CEO, iM Global Partner

Nuestros compromisos ESG


Apoye a nuestros socios en la firma del PRI de la ONU

Apoyamos activamente a nuestros socios en su labor de convertirse también en signatarios de los Principios de Inversión Responsable de las Naciones Unidas.

Lea nuestro Informe de RSC (en inglés)


Promover la diversidad y la inclusión

Nuestro compromiso con la igualdad de oportunidades se aplica a todas nuestras iniciativas de personal, incluida la contratación, el desarrollo personal y profesional, la promoción y la retención.

Lea nuestro Informe de RSC (en inglés)


iMGP Donations Fund

Creemos que los jóvenes son la punta de lanza de una sociedad y el símbolo de la próxima generación. Para ello, hemos creado el fondo de dotación filantrópica sin ánimo de lucro, iMGP Donations Fund, diseñado para aumentar el impacto de nuestra política de apoyo a la juventud.

Visita nuestra página de responsabilidad social


Gestionar nuestra huella de carbono

No podemos seguir ignorando el cambio climático y sus repercusiones. Las empresas de gestión de activos, como iM Global Partner, tienen un papel clave por su capacidad de invertir y apoyar a las empresas y, por tanto, tener un efecto multiplicador en la lucha contra el clima.

más información

Información sobre sostenibilidad

Nuestro compromiso se basa en los siguientes procedimientos :

De acuerdo con el reglamento SFDR sobre la presentación de informes de sostenibilidad en el sector de los servicios financieros, el Grupo iM Global Partner publica nuestra política ESG en la que nos comprometemos a integrar los riesgos de sostenibilidad en nuestros procesos de inversión (art. 3 SFDR) y nuestra declaración sobre la consideración de los impactos adversos materiales (art. 4 SFDR).

In this policy, iM Global Partner Asset Management describes the process it follows to exclude investment in companies actively engaged in producing certain types of controversial weapons.

En esta política, definimos, con el apoyo de cada subgestor de los fondos IMGP, cómo y cuándo se integran las cuestiones ASG en el proceso de inversión y la lista de nuestros fondos clasificados como sección 6, 8 o 9 según el reglamento SFDR.

Lea el último informe de RSC de iM Global Partner Group

Este informe, de acuerdo con el artículo 29 de la ley de energía-clima y su decreto de aplicación, muestra los medios implementados para contribuir a la transición energética y ecológica durante el ejercicio 2021. El informe cubre el alcance de las actividades de iM Global Partner (Francia) e iM Global Partner Asset Management.

Read the latest ESG report of the iM Global Partner Group

iM Global Partner SAS no considera los impactos adversos de las decisiones de inversión sobre los factores de sostenibilidad. El presente informe se ha elaborado de conformidad con el artículo 4 del RLSC y abarca el ejercicio cerrado a 31 de diciembre de 2022 (en francés).

iM Global Partner Asset Management S.A. considera los principales impactos adversos de sus decisiones de inversión sobre los factores de sostenibilidad. Esta declaración se ha elaborado de conformidad con el artículo 4 del RLIS y abarca el ejercicio finalizado el 31 de diciembre de 2023.

Información en materia de sostenibilidad

Divulgación precontractual
Divulgación periódica
ManCo PAI Statement Summary
Sustainability-related website disclosures disclosure

Conozca a algunos de nuestros gestores

Nuestros gestores explican su enfoque de la inversión ASG, lo que les diferencia y la importancia de encontrar una inversión verdaderamente sostenible.